IRIS-4D G, GT, and GTX models, as well as the Personal Iris, Iris Entry,
Indy, XL, XS, XS24, XZ, Elan, and Extreme systems do not support
ppppoooollllyyyyssssmmmmooooooootttthhhh. Use ggggeeeettttggggddddeeeesssscccc to determine whether ppppoooollllyyyyssssmmmmooooooootttthhhh is supported.
ssssuuuubbbbppppiiiixxxxeeeellll mode should always be enabled while ppppoooollllyyyyssssmmmmooooooootttthhhh is used.
On the IRIS-4D RealityEngine pixels that are outside of the perimeter of
the polygon may be drawn. However, their coverage values will be 0.0.
IRIS-4D VGX models reveal their decomposition of 4+ sided polygons into
triangles when PPPPYYYYSSSSMMMM____SSSSHHHHRRRRIIIINNNNKKKK is selected. This behavior is not intended,
and may not be duplicated by future VGX software releases, or by future